Friday, October 31, 2008

Timeless Moments By Theresa

Last week I took off work Thursday and Friday and participated in the 2008 Holiday Mart at the Overland Park Convention Center in Kansas City with Theresa.

Theresa has started her own business,Timeless Moments By Theresa, making these wonderfully trendy, emotional, and quality picture frames:

You see, Theresa and I are best friends but we are quite opposite. She is short, I am not. She has curly light hair, I have dark straight hair. She likes to shop, I like to avoid all malls. So needless to say she has this amazing talent to think up ideas and then create them. Or in this case, find something she thinks is awesome and making it for herself. She is quite handy and creative. I'm not. So it is super fun for me to be involved in her projects from time to time. I did help a little on the sanding and painting of the frames - but that was only a small portion of all the work that she put into this. Did I mention that she created and built the booth herself??

Theresa and I have been best friends for 13 years or so, ever since our Freshman year of High School. To be friends with a Collora girl means you gotta know how to pull your own weight! The Collora family kept me out of a lot of trouble because if I wanted to hang out with Theresa then the best way was to help out with the family businesses. I learned so much.

One of my favorite memories of working with them (and there are many!) was when Judy gave Theresa the keys to the van packed full of crafts and off we went to a craft show in Illinois. We did it all ourselves: travel, unpack, set-up, sell sell sell, tear down, pack-up, travel back home. All in one day. You can imagine the look of confusion on the cops face when Theresa got pulled over for her first speeding ticket on the way back home. He was sure that we were two High School rebels out drinking and stole a bunch of loot from someone. Sorry officer - we like to rock the craft show for fun on Saturday nights.

So last weekend was just like old times and we did very well!! It was a success for sales and Theresa and I got to spend four days in a row together :)

*notice - the warped hand-made cart to the left with a tired, pregnant, stressed, Theresa looking over it.*

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