Friday, September 18, 2009

June events

I am still attempting to catch-up on this blog-thing. I think I might be losing the essence of the blogness by updating only twice a month on subjects from three months ago. Oh well, its better than keeping a diary. I learned from the never ending list of thank you's that my hands can only write four sentences at a time before going numb. Yet I can type for hours. But my neighbor, Al, let me know how very unacceptable the wedding gift thank-you text from a friend of his was. Darn, I was totally going to do that...

To pick-up where we left off from the honeymoon post, about 4 hours after the picture of Heath in the airport was taken, we rolled into KC just in time for Lucy's birthday party. So we had a plan. As soon as we walked in the door at home we each had a list of things to do. Such things on the list included: check on the dogs, bring all luggage inside, turn on the air conditioning, bathing, and to wrap Lucy's present. The one thing that was not on the list was to open all of the presents that were delivered during our honeymoon that were piled in our living room. Which Heath promptly ditched all other responsibilities and began looting through the boxes, not keeping track of who they came from of course. He saved the big one for last. A brand new set of luggage. OF COURSE!

Lucy's birthday was a blast! It was fun to see everyone and to watch her force Trent's sisters' feet into the dress up shoes. OUCH! Here is a cute picture of her we took a few weeks after her birthday :)

Since I spent almost two years growing my hair out for the wedding at Heath's request, I figured I might as well donate it after the wedding. I donate blood mainly because I am O negative and it is apparently rare, so I guess having strong, thick, hair that I don't dye is a good reason to donate hair too. After all blood and hair are free! (not a good sentence to say often) And in order to donate it to Locks of Love you have to have ten inches. The wonderful salon that did my hair for the wedding, offers to donate the hair themselves and the hair cut is free! So the week after we got home from Brazil - off it went!

My mane

POOF! Its gone!

The end result