Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Dress

So my wedding dress finally showed up. Just for the sake of memories I will tell the story of how this dress was purchased...

Theresa was living in Minneapolis across from the Mall of America when I was ready to dress shop. How convenient that Ms. Shopper herself was located next to the biggest mall in the country. This is definitely a scary thing for me. But I made the trip up to see her (and my wonderful Uncle Greg too!) and to attempt my biggest fear - wedding dress shopping. Ick.

After many try-ons and attempts at fancy bridal galleries we happened to stumble upon The Chapel of Love. Seriously, that is really the name. And it just so happens that it is what it seems, a one stop wedding shop. You can buy your gown AND get married, all in the same day. Its like Vegas, but on the 4th floor of the Mall of America.

So in my true cheesy fashion I happened to love all of their gowns and had no problems finding a bunch to try on. But it didn't matter. I tried on one dress and loved it. But it gets better people! It was only $344 AND it was 2 sizes smaller than what I had been trying on! Bonus. Sold. Most importantly - I was done shopping!

So six months later (and the first order going to another bride...grrrr) my dress was delivered yesterday at work. Yes, at work, since I wanted to be sure it didn't sit on my rainy steps all day (and it did rain!). Here it is!

hehehehe....I know - it really isn't that funny ;)

1 comment:

MKAOM said...

As one who lived through wedding dress trials and tribulations, congrats (mike writing). Kelly's first dress was made by a little old lady in Vietnam who maybe tried measuring in metric and sewed in standard because it was messed up. True story.