Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lessons Learned

I will try not to talk much about politics on this site but I couldn't resist for this historical event.

I was raised in a family that did not talk about politics, ever. Growing up I had no idea what my parent's political views were or even if they had any. I have to admit, sometimes ignorance is bliss for a young, small town, Iowa girl. The only exposure I had was when Tom Vilsack ran for Governor of Iowa during my senior year of high school. It was amazing to be a part of his election and his re-election four years later. But I still knew very little about the whole process.

This past year was a big step for me in the right direction of my adult life by becoming involved in the entire election process. Because Heath was so involved from the beginning and because I work in an office where politics are openly discussed I decided it was time.

I learned a great deal about the different parties, the issues, the processes, etc. I had a lot of people encouraging me to become informed and to vote and I owe them a huge thanks. A lot of my political education came from asking questions. People that I trusted to give me the facts in a way that I can understand from both sides of the issues. These people are mostly co-workers and friends (thanks for putting up with my questions!). Is it twisted that one of my favorite things to do is initiate a heated debate between a conservative and a liberal about the issues for my own benefit?

I also did a lot of internet research, including finding those handy sites to help me understand the issues and what was important to me (I know some can be misleading, but I was careful!). I watched every debate in detail (I would sometimes rewind and watch again) and I ignored every negative ad I came across.

I know that I am just one vote, but it is still important (especially in Missouri!). I am so glad that I finally got my stuff together so that I felt confident enough to exercise my right to vote in such an important historical election. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to tell my children about it.

I also want to say a quick thanks to my dad for chatting with me about it last night, he resisted a great deal but finally I got what I wanted (don't I always Dad!). We had an amazing conversation about the election and it just made me realize how much I am like him and how lucky I am to be his daughter. Thanks Dad!

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