Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sawyer Nash Stover

Parenthood is in full swing at the Stover household. Sawyer Nash was born on August 12, 2010. Labor started at 11:15 the night before and mom labored in Sawyer's room for two hours before waking dad up. After we took showers and packed up we headed to the hospital around 3 am. With a quick stop for mom to unload her dinner on the side of the road - yikes! We made it safely to the ER to be admitted to Labor and Delivery. We called the grandparents at 6 am and five hours later Sawyer arrived just in time for both sets of grandparents to be present.

The past 6 weeks have been amazing, difficult, interesting, fun, relaxing, intense, hilarious, rewarding, new, and most of all wonderful. We have learned to breastfeed, use cloth diapers, enjoy bath time, etc. We have met new people, received TONS of wonderful gifts, and transformed our house into a baby machine. Here is a video of Mr. Sawyer waking up at 3:00 am for a feeding. Somehow he makes my 3:00 am the best time of the day. Sorry its so long (4 minutes) but its worth it! ;)

We have braved a wedding, travels to Colby, KS and travels to Iowa. So far so good!

Here are some favorite snapshots taken over the past few weeks...

Grandma Stover made this blankets

3 days old (photos via Megan Peters)

Jana came all the way from Germany to spend three weeks with us!

Daddy brought us home flowers :)

Sticking his tongue out at Grandpa Stover!

Napping in Iowa with mom :)


Megan said...

When did he get so big?!!! We need to see him immediately! Congrats (again), it's so fun seeing you guys become parents!

Unknown said...

There is absolutely no way that the last picture is of MY Sawyer!! I'm so happy for you and Heath! He's beautiful and you are WONDERFUL parents! Can't wait to teach him the Rock Chalk chant this bball season!