Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

I am so excited about Earth Day today, everyone seems to be embracing it. The entertainment world, Google, especially politics!

I have been trying my best for the past few years to be more energy efficient, less wasteful, and more conscious of my carbon footprint.

I take our recyclable materials to the local Bridging the Gap location every other Saturday, which includes pulling cans and bottles out of the trash that my dear husband-to-be mistakenly disposed of.

I try not to use lights when not necessary, I like sunshine better anyhow. Does it count as being energy efficient if I go to bed before dark in order to save energy on electricity? Is that a good enough excuse to sleep a lot?

I reuse bottles despite the cleaning people at my office insisting on taking them off my desk at night and throwing them away. Although I am having troubles with our new dishwasher at home melting them, our old one didn't so I could use them over and over again.

Heath and I carpool about 50-75% of the time to save on gas and parking. We do this more to save money but it helps neutralize the fact that I drive an SUV.

I was excited to see that President Obama and the Secretary of Agriculture (who happens to be from my hometown and former governor of Iowa!) are in Iowa today celebrating Earth Day :) I'm a proud girl! Here is the interview from this morning with Tom Vilsack regarding their policy and visit to Iowa.

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