Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Heidi-Ho neighbor!

We have successfully met most of our neighbors. To add to the list we now have next door neighbor Rob and his two kids who drew us this wonderful picture and put it in our mailbox:

Thanks Megan! (age 6)

Megan's dog Lucy (not to be mistaken with my friend Megan and her daughter Lucy) loves to dig holes under the fence and come play with her new neighbors too! Lucy is a very little dog but she likes hanging with the big dogs in our yard. Of course this encouraged our female Abby to venture into her yard which is not so cool.

We also met the neighbors from across the street and were invited over for a fun evening of Pineapple infused vodka, and great conversation. I got a lesson in Mexican tequila, we shared stories of wine festivals, and we learned the ins and outs of Smithville and the neighborhood. They also let us know that they watched our house being built six years ago and assured us it was well done ;)

I am so excited for Spring/Summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trent and I were all boo-hooing about how you had met your neighbors and ours seemed to be hibernating...but then this weekend they all came out in the open and we have a KU grad (a touch obsessed with the Jhawks), a hairdresser (thank god, for both of us) and a guy who brews his own beer in his garage. Yeah for the burbs!