Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Our world

November has been a fun month. Sawyer entered the monthly age group instead of the week by week age group. He is now three months old! Lots of things have gotten done, lots of new friends have been made, and new experiences have been had.

Sawyer went to exercise his right to vote for the first time and although we had quite a bit of poo issues that day we enjoyed switching the "I voted" sticker from outfit to outfit :)

Sawyer has made lots of new friends. He has discovered the dogs:

He and Nathan are super friends after we braved a trip to Denver on an airplane!

He hung out with baby PJ at their Great-Grandma's birthday celebration

And we stopped by to see the fabulous Lu and her preggers mama. Megan looks great for 9 months pregnant! :)

Here is a few samples of a day in the life of Sawyer and his mama:

Cleaning out closets - can you believe the amount of tissue paper we have! That is what happens when you get married and have a baby within 16 months.

Find the baby - can you find the baby three stories down? The stairs in our house are insane but the openness makes it easy to move about and still see everyone. Until the crawling and walking begins...

Cloth diaper bleaching. Since we are cloth diapering sometimes a little fresh air is good for them ;)

After a long day of diapers, spit-up, and daytime TV, Heath and I get to be one again as Sawyer sleeps.

Life is good. Sawyer is sleeping 10-12 hours a night and is getting better about napping during the day (instead of cat-napping). He is smiling and beginning to laugh now. He has almost reached his feet and sits up great in his bumbo. We love to love him :)

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