Friday, January 23, 2009

"home ownership is a wonderful... trap"

This is one of the responses I got to the exciting news that our offer has been accepted on the house we bid on exactly 63 days ago! Yippee!!! We are so excited, and relieved. It is so frustrating and slow buying a short sale home. But the benefits are worth it. Which is why we are able to buy a much larger/nicer home than a typical first time buyer at our age should! We don't feel worthy:( Here she is...
What do you think?? The front porch is the entire reason we even considered looking at it. Definitely one of our top five favorite things :)

Tomorrow both sets of parents are going to do a walk through of the house with us, it was already scheduled since the Iowa set of parents were planning to come in town so it worked out just right to hear back from the bank today! We can't wait to see it again....well inside that is. Heath and I have been quite creepy lately, doing drive-bys and yesterday we managed to really cross the line by taking the dogs there to try out the walking trail. You know, like we live there. I'm sure we are already labeled as the creepy people with the dirty old jeep and two big dogs that randomly show up. Watch out people - here we come! Just look for us on the front porch :)


MKAOM said...

There goes the neighborhood! Congrats guys. We hope everything works out, and it's a beautiful house. Just big enough for cousins and their three kids to visit!

Unknown said...

Ah... so proud of you guys. Looks nice.
We'll be up in...well a week now. Can't wait to see it.